Today Friday 30 May 1403 | 19/5/2024

Supplex Bone Tonic Tablet


This dietary supplement is very beneficial for strengthening bones, teeth, hair and nails. Calcium : most abundant mineral found in the body. Its main role is construction and maintenance of bones, teeth, and enzyme activity. Magnesium : this mineral contributes to the formation of bone crystals. Zinc : It contributes to the health of skin, hair and bone. Vitamin D : It contributes to intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. In the absence of this vitamin, absorption of calcium is not done properly. No preservatives, flavors or gluten. This product is merely a dietary - food supplement and is not intended for diagnosis, prevention or treatment of disease.

Supplement facts
400 mg Calcium       ( as carbonate 
50 mg Magnesium   (  as hydroxide )
5mg Zinc ( as gluconate )
200 IU Vitamin D3

Guidelines of Bone Tonic tablet consumption :
The best time for taking this supplement is 2 hours after meals with a glass of water.
The best time for taking calcium supplements is at night because the blood’s calcium concentrations decreases more at night.
Oral absorption of calcium and zinc is reduced with fibrous foods, foods containing oxalic acid ( spinach ), and foods containing phosphorus and bran ( milk and dairy products ).
Also, oral absorption of calcium with iron may be problematic. The minimum interval between iron and calcium intake must be 3 - 4 hours.
Avoid drinking tea and coffee with this supplement due to reduced absorption of zinc.
In case of taking thiazide diuretic, digoxin and phenitoin, consult your physician or pharmacist.
This supplement must be consumed at least 2 hours after taking tetracycline and ciprofloxacin medications.

Dosage :
1 - 2 daily after meals with a glass of water.

Storage conditions :
Keep this medication in its original container, with the lid tightly closed. Store in a cool and dry place at a temperature of less than 30 degrees Centigrade, away from the reach of children.
Indications :

- People who do not get enough calcium, zinc, magnesium and vitamin D3 through the diet.
- People who are not exposed to sufficient sunlight.
- Women at menopause.
- Adolescents in the growth years.
Contraindications and dosage warnings :
 - In the case of kidney disease.
 - The consumption of this product in pregnancy and breastfeeding should be under the supervision of a physician.